About Us
About Us
“We Help People Of All Ages To Become More Active And Mobile, Live Free From Painkillers, And End Pain And Stiffness”
Click Play to Hear From Dr. Spenser Dougley of Brant Wellness and Rehab:
At Brant Wellness and Rehab – a natural health clinic in Brantford, our straight-talking team of health experts: chiropractors and physical therapists, love to help people of all ages find answers to their pain problems.
We help you get out of pain and back to living a healthy, active lifestyle. And we do it the natural way, which means a life free from pain pills, steroid injections, and potentially dangerous surgeries. As a result, you spend more time doing the things you love – instead of inside the doctor’s office. And start saying “Yes” to life, instead of pain dictating “no, you can’t.”
We understand what it’s like to be in pain. It’s no fun at all – and affects all aspects of your life. Our patients tell us it feels like their life gets smaller when they’re in chronic pain. Because headaches, back, neck or shoulder pain stops them from socializing, playing sports, or exercising.
Sadly, the painful backstory is the same for most of these clients before finding Brant Wellness and Rehab…
They bounce from doctor to doctor or therapist to therapist on a desperate quest for answers to try and get their life back with each new consult promising the world but delivering nothing more than an empty checking account and more confusion. Some recommend unnecessary treatment protocols, others – expensive supplements or painful, invasive treatments.
But nothing helps the pain.
If that sounds like you, don’t give up.
Brant Wellness and Rehab are different – we CAN help you.
Our practice is built on honesty, integrity and caring about the people we serve. From the moment you walk through the door to our natural health clinic, our clients tell us they “feel it.” From the friendly, warm welcome to how we tell you “How it is” – and only recommend things that experience tells us WILL help you get out of pain and enable you to thrive again.
Can You Relate?
If you’ve been on the merry-go-round of seeking answers to your chronic pain problems for some time, you’re not alone. At BRANT WELLNESS AND REHAB, we hear this a lot… Our patients often have:
- Ignored the pain and hoped it would get better – but it didn’t.
- Spent months on the couch with ice packs on their head, neck, shoulders or lower back.
- Spent weeks not able to get out of a chair without excruciating pain.
- They have been to see their family physician many times. But each time, they were given basic, unhelpful advice to “rest” or “take Advil” or given even stronger pain meds and told to take even MORE time off work.
- Been referred to a so-called “specialist” and waited a month for the appointment only to be given a generic set of exercises that did nothing to ease the pain.
- Tried various exercises they found online or on YouTube, but it made things worse, and they ended up in worse pain than they started with.
- They did as their doctor suggested and spent lots of time resting, but the pain remained, and everything became stiffer and tighter due to lack of movement.
- Believed that their pain was a “normal part of getting older” because their friends and family – who were also in pain – had accepted that this was the case.
Any of Those Sound Familiar?
If they do – we would love to help change things up by inviting you to book a call with one of our health experts at our BRANTFORD clinic to find out exactly what we can do to help you.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve tried lots of things already, like lots of our patients. We believe this gives us a head start to get closer to what will help you get out of pain and back to living life again.
Please click the link below to book your call with us if you would like to get some honest advice on the best way forward over the telephone. This 30-minute call is complimentary, and there is no pressure to book treatment at the clinic after the call. We’re just happy to help you decide on and navigate the right path for you to take to optimal health and wellness.

Founded by Dr. Spenser Dougley DC, FR, FRCms
BRANT WELLNESS AND REHAB was founded by SPENSER DOUGLEY – a Chiropractor specializing in wellness and injury rehab and a gentler form of chiropractic care using an activator. Dr. Spenser is also a Functional Range Release trained practitioner – a technique that global athletes use to improve their performance. He now uses it to help patients improve their mobility and treat neck and shoulder pain, joint issues, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other painful conditions.
SPENSER has been helping people of all ages who want to keep active and love to be healthy since 2016 – so they can enjoy life for many years to come!
We believe people aged 45+ should have exceptionally better access to excellent care to help them stay active, mobile, and free from painkillers.
If you would like to know how the wellness team at BRANT WELLNESS AND REHAB can help you get active and mobile again and get back to optimal wellness – we invite you to book a completely free, no-obligation, risk-free taster appointment at our clinic:
Note: This Free Discovery Session is specifically designed for people who have reservations or are unsure about the benefits of physiotherapy or chiropractic care and are hesitant about whether it’s right for them. Does that sound like you? Please start with one of our free discovery sessions so we can explore your options together – without any financial risk or obligation on your part.
We Love To Help People:
- Keep active – so you can walk, run, swim, play tennis, golf or take your kids or grandchildren to the park with ease.
- Stay free from painkillers – so you can avoid the adverse health effects of these pills. Plus, they rarely do anything for the pain. They just mask it.
- Avoid dangerous surgery – we help you find the source of your pain fast – often inside 20 minutes. So you don’t have to waste any more time in doctor’s waiting rooms.
- Find out what’s wrong – we give you peace of mind knowing that your issue is “corrected” and “healed” properly. So you can get out and enjoy life again without worrying about further injury.
- Get their life back – you’ve already spent too much time resting and cancelling plans. Let us help you start enjoying life again.
We love to help people get back to living life free from the curse of chronic pain