How To Reduce Back Pain While Caring For Children

Your Whole World Is On Your Shoulders

A study in the Journal of Orthopedics reported that 50-90% of pregnant women will likely experience lower back pain. This pain may persist after giving birth if you don’t take action. Seeing a chiropractor throughout your pregnancy and after can greatly reduce the chance of having back pain and neck pain while trying to care for small children.  It is perfectly safe for both mom and baby, and most chiropractors can make quick modifications to keep the pregnancy mom comfortable while receiving treatment.

It is also important to keep you back health while at home and between visits.  The following includes helpful exercises and tips that can help reduce the risk of back and shoulder pain’;

  • Lighten your load:

    Choose a diaper bag that distributes weight evenly across your body to limit the stress of isolated muscles.

  • Stretch your body:

    While your baby is old enough for tummy time, join them on the floor and do some exercises to stretch your neck and back.

  • Feed comfortably:

    When nursing, avoid hunching and keep your baby close to you. Also choose a comfortable, upright chair with a pillow.

  • Keep your baby close:

    Don’t stretch your arms out – bring your baby close to your chest before lifting. Consider wearing your baby on your front so you can alleviate the strain on your back.

  • Keep tub trouble at bay:

    Avoid reaching or twisting when bending over a tub. When kneeling, use a non-slip mat to protect your knees.

Exercises/Stretches To Help Alleviate Your Back Pain At Home:

Shoulder Opener:

  • Breathing deeply and calmly, relax your stomach muscles
  • Let your head hang loosely forward and gently roll from side to side
  • Bring your hands up to your neck and gently massage the back of your head and neck
  • Drop your arms to your sides, relax your shoulders & slowly roll them backward and forward for 15 seconds


  • Standing with feet shoulder width apart, raise your hands
  • Bring your right elbow across your body while lifting your left knee
  • Touch elbow to knee, remaining upright and repeat alternating sides for 15 seconds

There is no time for back pain in parenthood. Consult a Chiropractor so that you can stay on your toes and a step ahead of your toddler.

Dr. Spenser Dougley DC, FR, FRCms